
Dataware has over 25 years of experience in inventory control specializing in Vendor Managed Inventory, Commodity Management and Integrated Supply.  As a Dataware customer you will have an unlimited access to our expertise with no additional fee.  Being a Dataware customer means you will be guided with an educated and experienced strategies to help you succeed in this competitive enviroment.


We brand our software to look and feel like your software with an emphasis on your company.   Logo’s and color schemes are customized for you to make our system look like yours and a extension of your website.  URL’s can have your domain names and menu and application names can be customized to be in your nomenclature.


Dataware’s product has built in customization controls.  Customers demands can be accomplished with the many layers of model switches and built in controls.   In todays environment no two customers seem to want the same thing though they may want to arrive at the same goal.  If our model does not meet your needs we have the ability to quickly change our model to make it fit.


  • A tool to generate new sales
  • Zero Capital Expenditures
  • Maintain Existing Resources
  • No Additional Hardware to Purchase
  • No Software to Purchase & Maintain
  • Reduced Amount of IT Resources Needed